Born and raised in Queens, NYC, my passion for photography was sparked at a very young age. As early as four or five years old, I was the de facto family photographer for our visits to the NY World's Fair, as well as all the other landmarks my folks enjoyed visiting. Hence, I have a passion for everything this city offers.
I jumped at the opportunity to get my training at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. Upon  graduation, I was fortunate to work as Studio Manager/First Assist for the eminent photographer Neal Slavin. Neal’s tutelage provided a firm foundation for large productions carried out both in studio and on the road, employing all camera formats from 35mm up to Polaroid’s 20x24 camera.
Eventually I moved on to work as a Civilian Photographer of the Photographic Section of the New York City Police Department, which encompassed both field assignments and darkroom responsibilities. During this time, I joined the uniformed ranks of the NYPD. After the obligatory time in the street, I was able to return to the Photo Section as a Police Officer. It was while in the NYPD that I began computer training, leading to a wide knowledge of digital editing and website construction. Toward the latter part of my career, I trained as a Uniformed Peer Counselor while working in the Department’s Early Intervention Unit. I retired after 25 years with the rank of Sergeant.
The photography urges dimmed for a bit, but never went away. Once I retired from "the job," I dove back in to my first passion. Film and darkroom work gave way to digital formats, so I took the new tools and applied the old spark. Over the last few years I've enjoyed life traveling and photographing a variety of subjects, while working as a photo instructor and freelance printer. 
What you see on these pages is a sampling of what has recently caught my eye.


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